4 AI Capabilities at the Institutional Level

AI has already begun having an impact on higher education.  At an institutional level, AI can be used in admissions and marketing to identify and target potential students, enhance retention, and automate routine tasks.  It can also be a powerful tool for student support and retention, through the use of early alerts which can identify students who require additional assistance (Abdous, 2023).  Institutional student support capabilities include student guidance tasks involving course selection and scheduling, just-in-time financial aid assistance, and predictive analytics which help to identify at-risk students (Zeide, 2019).  These tools can quickly analyze information and save time, ultimately benefiting institutions and students.  However, as noted under the Ethical and Legal Issues section  above, they may also introduce bias and their use is not without risks.


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SUNY FACT2 Guide to Optimizing AI in Higher Education Copyright © by Faculty Advisory Council On Teaching and Technology (FACT2) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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