Thank you!

The task group is grateful for the contributions of their members and would like to express deep thanks to the subcommittee co-chairs for their leadership and dedication that made this document possible. A complete list of all contributors can be found in the appendix on page 49.

Definitions Subcommittee:

Lynn Aaron, SUNY Rockland Community College, and Meghanne Freivald, Alfred University

Pedagogy Subcommittee:

Stephanie Pritchard, SUNY Oswego, and Keith Landa, SUNY Purchase

Tools Subcommittee:

Jamie Heron, SUNY Online, and Shamika Mitchell, SUNY Rockland Community


Bridget Almas, SUNY System Administration; Dana Gavin, Dutchess
Community College; Billie Francini, SUNY Albany; Jeffrey Riman, SUNY FIT


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SUNY FACT2 Guide to Optimizing AI in Higher Education Copyright © by Faculty Advisory Council On Teaching and Technology (FACT2) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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